Wow...already February. Not to mention its still crazy cold. I do not like the cold, I've told and told. Never, not even when I'm old, will I like the cold. Apparently, I'm channeling my inner Seuss. Probably and most likely because my birthday is officially less than a month away! Yay! Of course, to get there I have to live through Miss A's 15th birthday.
Having a 15 year old just sounds...odd. I'm not quite sure how we already made it to this point. Take for example her music. Seriously, just the other day she was begging me for Hannah Montana tickets. And now she wants Miley Cyrus tickets. While to you all, that sounds like the same concert, trust me its not. That girl has a mouth like a sailor now. There are no cute choreographed dances but random booty shaking against puppet clad people. Again I will say it...oddness. Is it because 15 itself is an an odd number that this feels so awkward a milestone to be looking at? I just want to make sure that, in three years when we are looking at 18 that I have prepared for the world a cabable person poised for adulthood. Not a raging pain in the ass raring to inflict themselves upon society, thinking its all ok because it looks cool and oh yeah, hey so and so did it back in the dark ages (known now as the 80s) so why the fuss? THe fuss is you aren't supposed to do that on national television and make life difficult for all of us parents out here trying to teach our girls that you don't get to act like that. I didn't raise you to be some twerking idiot. But anyway. I digress
So many things that were cute 5 years ago are now topics guaranteed to cause World War 10 at our house. Like make up. Back in the day, it was cute and fun to buy her little toy make up kits, laugh behind our hands as she caked on bright green eyeshadow all over her lids and make blush circles on her cheeks. All in good fun, she's learning about being a girl right? WRONG...she was forwarning me of the days to come when we have "conversations" about why we don't have eyeliner in a line that is 2 in thick, ending in a cat's eye swoop. And why when you have such a dramatic eye, you also don't go for such a harsh blood red lip (thank you such much Glamour for giving me the proof to show her that it is not just mee saying all those things but that it was makeup 101). Sigh...I'm going to miss all of this when I'm panicking because I don't know if she made it out of her dorm in time :(
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